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HOW TO BE HAPPY ALWAYS  Happiness is a journey, not a destination. - Buddha It is impossible to live life always in one direction but having a way of living in one direction makes us a habit which we cannot leave even if we don’t want to, if we take it positively, So it is making your life better similarly being happy or the habit of being happy makes us a better person along with life. Being happy should not depend on anything, because when you are happy from inside wearing an outer cover only create a mask that takes you away from your reality. So be who you are and be happy to make yourself better and not to show the world better. This happiness is not slave of any particular thing only you can lock or unlock for yourself as you are the main key of your happy life just, we have to understand this concept of how to be happier all the time and it makes you calm and a shiny soul like sunshine which cannot be fade from any reason,  Let's understand with 5 Important points to under
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  HOW TO OVERCOME CHALLENGES Challenges are a part of daily life, and it is full of ups and downs however we all aim to make it smooth for that we have to work on them because when we want to do something new and big so we have to chase our dreams, it can be in many forms whether it is personal, professional or emotional because life is unattainable. If we want better in life but don't get as per our plan then it turns into challenges, I would like to say that where you stand today is either with the challenges or against them, but we aim to focus on the fundamentals of life and overcome challenges to achieve our vision. Here I will brief you 9 simple yet important core points which helps you to understand and overcome from challenges in life, I hope it will be beneficial for you. Plan to set small challenges first Challenges in normal life can come in any number of forms. The most important thing is that you do not need to focus on any big result, as if you are on a long journey a

The Power of Positive Attitude

THE POWER OF POSITIVE ATTITUDE Attitude is what we have to hold in any state of mind and at any stage of life, yes, a child can have an attitude that makes him different from other kids or any person can achieve something great because attitude was what he needed. The power of Attitude is an invisible force which connects your inner soul to you and remain completely immersed in whatever work you do, you do not care about the result because you have done that work with great effort and hard work So you can't think of anything wrong. You just stay calm, happy and satisfied which gives you the power of self-improvement. We make a lot of mistakes in life, but our aim should be to learn from those mistakes and not think about them. As you want to achieve something, yet prior to trying, based on certain individuals' analysis, you have assumed that I can't, it will lead you astray from the way that you can ever reach your destination Were, it is the wrong ways that set our standar


Today I am going to share some important aspects about being more productive in every aspect of life where you can stand ahead in your work and where you don't need to shout for your existence. Our primary focus will be on increasing productivity towards every task, although we do not have control over the flow of time, our time also passes with the ticking of the clock, but it is possible to manage it if we focus on every small task.In this session we will discuss the given points in more depth on Time Management, Stay Focused, Set Goals, Trust Yourself, Manage Yourself, Humble and Perception. Time Management Your time is your strength, without it your life is incomplete because when we do not know how to use our time properly then the direction of moving forward in any work is aimless. Each task at all times requires a certain amount of time, for which each task must be done with interest that does not require repetition. First of all tackle those difficult tasks which take mor


It becomes easy for you to achieve the goal when you make it your habit with passion and persistence like you have to lose your weight then you have to be ready from yourself first then any trainer can teach you but first Motivate yourself, if you don't believe in yourself then even the best trainer in the world can't teach you anything, let's know the aspects that will help you to achieve your goal. "If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success.” – James Cameron" Have a Strong Mindset Focus on the small goal before the big goal Make Them Realistic and Relevant Tell others your goals   Always be positive  reward yourself Have a Strong Mindset When we set goals for a successful life, I feel that no one is more attached to us, a strong mindset shows that when we put our time and quality into making ourselves successful, we build a strong belief system. It is owned by you, and you have to

7 Powerful Facts About Silence Get More Success

  The power to remain silent makes you strong from within because you think with a cold mind even in the face of someone's provocation, this is your basic behavior. “Silence is a source of great strength. - Lao Tzu" Who does not like to be silent, but in busy life sometimes we forget to maintain it because noise is everywhere but we never pay attention to how to avoid it, due to which many types of noise dominate inside us. become. Stressing and irritating over a trivial task, which ruins both the quality of work and your time. Being calm gives you time and stability to think in life which can make you a good choice even in less time. Let's know about some aspects of being silence: Increase thinking ability Connect to inner consciousness Increase concentration at work Be a good listener Focus on work before results Create Value in Life Good use of time Increase Thinking ability Thinking is the brainchild of our mind, because of which we accomplish basically everything. T


5 GOOD HABITS MAKES YOU RICH Our habits are the mirror of our life. We are the masters of our habits which we do in our daily routine good habits keep our mind healthy which is based on our thinking. The more we make good habits the more we achieve success in our life, because if the mind is healthy so we can do every work on time then there will be no time to think wrong, which will also increase in our internal strength. Suprachiasmatic nucleus it helps and control to maintain body temperature and sleep -wake timings and coordinating this with circadian rhythms in other brain areas and other tissues to enhance behavioral adaptation. According to study who wakeup on 4:00 am has more energetic and higher on every task which helps to stand out from common peoples, Let's know good habits: "And once you understand that habits can change, you have the freedom and the responsibility to remake them. -Charles Duhigg" Wake up on Morning Meditation, Exercise Make your to-do li