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Motivational Stories

Motivational Stories

There is something in our daily routine that excites us, and makes you wonder what its purpose is, despite the fact that it is a well-known fact that everything you do will actually come to you. In light of the fact that truth, good or bad, all three are real, we find it in every action we do. Everything is connected to our lives based on these, what we see and sometimes learn from them.

Short Story #1 - Needle and Thread

needle and thread

There was a very famous fashion designer, she was very proud of the clothes she made, everyone wanted to invite her to their shows, she designs her clothes very diligently. One day she had a big show and that day she was very nervous, she was handling the morning work then her maid came and said good luck for today, madam, then she shouted oh ho I do not need your best wishes, just do everything quickly and go, I have to leave early today.

Poor maid started working with her little face down, her dress got torn while working, then suddenly she came and maid got nervous and said madam, my top is torn, will you help me, She was furious because she was getting late, but still she unnecessarily sewed the dress with a needle and thread and hurriedly put it in her bag, said maid in a calm voice good luck for today, madam and left after doing her work.

Fashion designer's big show was going on, when her eyes fell on the showstopper's dress, where the cut was, she got very nervous, she did not understand anything, then she remembered the morning incident and checked her bag and jumped with joy, with the help of that needle and thread, she was finally able to fix the dress and complete her show.

Moral: Do good you will get good

Short Story #2 - Search for Peace

Search for Peace

Let us read together how and where to find peace, many of us are in search of it.

There was a discussion between a preceptor and a student about inner peace in which the student was unable to concentrate in meditation, the preceptor said if you want some help from me, the student replied, can you make me meditate alone? so that I can do better, in this the preceptor said that first you find your inner peace.

The student did not understand anything but after listening to his teacher, he sat alone in the seaside, he tried to meditate there but the sound of the waves, sometimes the calmness of the water would make him restless but this time he thought that now then I will open my eyes only when I find my meditation and peace.

After thinking for a while he started meditating again, but after some time he heard some movement in the water, a big boat was coming near him. The boat came very close to him, he got up and shouted a lot but there was no sound, after some time he saw that the boat was empty, wind and storm had come to the shore, this made him realize that if there is no peace inside then outside makes noise even if nothing happens.

Moral: Do not seek peace outside, it is always inside you.

Short Story #3 - A Big Stone

A big stone

Let us read together that without any effort we can get rid of our present bad situation.

Once upon a time a king thought of teaching a lesson to his subjects and asked his soldiers to place a stone on the busiest road of the public, for a few days he saw all the passers-by, no one tried to remove the stone but from a long way It was wise to pass and many people returned without any effort, the king was very disappointed when he came to know that some people are blaming the king, they do not even care about him, for how many days the stone has been lying on the road and no one else not taking action.

The sad king himself decided to go there and teach everyone a lesson, but before he could even go to the stone, a vegetable vendor was passing by so he thought I would have to see this man to see what he does. The vegetable seller thought for some time and after much effort removed the stone from the path, then a bundle full of gold coins was found under the stone, in which it was written that whoever removes this stone will be entitled to this reward. He was happy and went ahead on the way.

Moral: Wisdom is not in running away from difficulties, but in solving them.

Short Story #4 - Four Friends

Four Friends

Let's read together what happens when we get into trouble uninvited.

Once four friends go to a party together and when they return they are late so they reach the class in the same dirty clothes and apologize to their teacher that their car tire was punctured yesterday so they were late and could not even prepare. The teacher listens to them and asks them to take the exam after 2 days.

Four friends become very happy and after 2 days hard work reach the exam, four friends are very sure that this time they will do very well in the exam, the teacher makes all four sit in different rooms and they surprised to see the question paper, the only question was "Which tire was punctured?" When we lie, we have to go through it with full planning.

Moral: weigh before you lie.

Short Story #5 - An Old Man

An Old Man

Let us read together whether it is necessary to live only or to live happily?

There lived an old man in a village who was very polite and listened to everyone's sorrows, everyone used to come to him to discuss about their troubles and depressing things of their life, which he listened with great humility.

One day the old man called everyone to him and said that today I tell you a joke, everyone listened very carefully, then he told the same joke, then some of them said why are you telling the same joke again and again Why did we laugh at that joke?

The old man laughed and said when I can hear your same problem again and again, you all can't hear my joke again and again, when I am not tired how can you all give up so quickly and after hearing this Everyone fell quiet.

Moral: find solutions before you give up.

Short Story #6 - Friendship

Two Friends

Let us read together how to learn from making mistakes

Rahul and Prem, two friends were going somewhere together, both were very good friends, they got into a fight, due to which Rahul slapped Prem, which he wrote in the soil and moved on, after going some distance Prem fell into the river, seeing Prem falling in the river, Rahul immediately saved Prem from drowning, which he had written in a stone.

Similarly, when we do a mistake, we should write it in the soil so that it can be erased easily with forgiveness and when we do something good, we should write it in a stone, forgiveness makes a person very light from inside. so that you are always positive.

Moral: Wisdom is in forgiving.

Short Story #7 - A Frog

A Frog

Let us read together how to learn from making mistakes

When the frog moves to warmer water temperatures, it adapts to the water temperature and by the time the water reaches its peak temperature, its energy is used to balance that water temperature, so that when the water temperature is high, he cannot do anything and dies.

However, he could jump before the water came to high temperature without expending all of his energy in time, so it is very important to take the right steps with understanding.

Moral: Take the right decision on time
