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how to be happy always


Happiness is a journey, not a destination. - Buddha

It is impossible to live life always in one direction but having a way of living in one direction makes us a habit which we cannot leave even if we don’t want to, if we take it positively, So it is making your life better similarly being happy or the habit of being happy makes us a better person along with life. Being happy should not depend on anything, because when you are happy from inside wearing an outer cover only create a mask that takes you away from your reality. So be who you are and be happy to make yourself better and not to show the world better.

This happiness is not slave of any particular thing only you can lock or unlock for yourself as you are the main key of your happy life just, we have to understand this concept of how to be happier all the time and it makes you calm and a shiny soul like sunshine which cannot be fade from any reason, 

Let's understand with 5 Important points to understand and learn how to be happy always :) 

Be yourself 

Your reality is that based on what you are doing today, you will do tomorrow and will continue to do the same without even 1% change like being happy in every situation is your reality, the idea of ​​comparing or putting people down in our life I will always be there whether it is your relatives or someone else will try to take you away from you but you have to be yourself. 

If you are happy today it is because you do not attach yourself to the happiness of others, you only believe in your work and dedication, because of which you deserve even greater happiness one day because you have never left that happiness internally.

Don't waste your feelings

Your life is full of all kinds of emotions, be it sorrow or happiness, but playing or handling them usually remains with us. Engaging in any pointless talk or staying with negative people is fatal for your emotions as well as your inner attitude, which is slowly eating the happiness inside you, so stay away from such people where there is no respect for your feelings, keep emotions where they are valued and make you feel happy in every path so that you can become energetic from inside.

Remember happiness never discriminates, so always discover new things that will guide you in the right direction of immense happiness.

They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: Someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for. – Tom Bodett

Leave a toxic relationship

There are many people around us who want to control others by their habits or dirty thinking but they cannot tolerate your habit of being happy even knowing that if you are living together then 70% is your loss because the happiness inside you Disappeared and 30% of the toxic person who lost a happy environment but you were the doer of that happy environment who stuck in a toxic relationship but if you take steps for yourself in time you can get out of this toxic relationship To maintain your inner happiness, you will have to fight for your happiness and self-respect or redefine the relationship so that the equation remains, however, keep in mind that if you are going away from yourself and feeling depressive means If you are getting unfocused from your basic nature or happiness then you should leave such relationship.

Busy with your Hobby 

If you are happy, then the means of happiness can be anything, as you have lived as a responsible person for the whole life, then I think that hope and happiness should not be lost from life, it is better to listen to other's bad words or advice. Engage in so that self-respect and inner happiness remain, and you can achieve what you have ever imagined. Always keep in mind that a true happiness is the one in which you do not work to be happy but work by being happy so that you can become entitled to a true happiness.

Accept Your Failures

If the cycle of life always revolves around success, then hardly anyone can think of achieving something big, although more happiness is in success, but when failure blocks its way, only then the desire to succeed arises, perhaps this is called true happiness. See, there is a lot of difference between being happy and getting happiness, like finding out the depth without getting into the water. You are trying to achieve something big by being happy and even if you get failure, you will not stop because you are happy from inside. Achieving a goal means only achieving it for you and not getting discouraged by the obstacles in the middle. There is a process to double your happiness and vice versa if you are not happy from inside then sorry you will never be able to achieve anything big.

In short, do whatever you are, accept yourself as you are and go out in the path of that happiness which will increase your inner happiness.

Sanity and happiness are an impossible combination – Mark Twain

Conclusion: The one true happiness is what is already inside you just find it and live with it, outward appearances give happiness for a while but what is inside you is not needed by anyone but you.

I hope this will help you My Friends 😀 
