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Achieve My Goal

It becomes easy for you to achieve the goal when you make it your habit with passion and persistence like you have to lose your weight then you have to be ready from yourself first then any trainer can teach you but first Motivate yourself, if you don't believe in yourself then even the best trainer in the world can't teach you anything, let's know the aspects that will help you to achieve your goal.

"If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success.” – James Cameron"

  • Have a Strong Mindset
  • Focus on the small goal before the big goal
  • Make Them Realistic and Relevant
  • Tell others your goals
  •  Always be positive 
  • reward yourself

Have a Strong Mindset

When we set goals for a successful life, I feel that no one is more attached to us, a strong mindset shows that when we put our time and quality into making ourselves successful, we build a strong belief system. It is owned by you, and you have to manage it moving ahead, even if there are difficulties or obstacles, but you have to walk with a strong mind. Let us know from an example like there is a housewife who has some free time in which she believes that she should do something productive, for this she has to make her own strategy and then implement them in her goal and she should know that time how to take out and management should be such that how he can handle his goal in household chores, at that time only his mind has to remember about his goal and nothing that can help him it strengthens his mindset towards goal So whenever you work towards your goal, just stick to it and don't do anything that will loosen your grip on your goal.

Focus on the small goal before the big goal 

When you have a goal, you cannot decide how long it will require to arrive at the destination, although achieving the goal is always our main goal,, but if your goal is big then be restraint in time to achieve it Patience is a virtue, because for this you have to break a big goal into smaller goals Like the Japanese people follow the rule of kaizen, in which they give importance to even small goals, accomplishing small goals easily to big goals get it. Let us understand with an example, when we set out on a journey, we know at what time and when the train will depart from its place and the timetable contains the complete details of that time, only your destination remains in your mind. in the middle of the journey, your focus is also on the arrival station, in which you easily know how long it will take you to reach your place, in the same way you have to set your small goals in the middle of your big goal by which big goals will be achieved easily, Therefore, time and small places are always important during each journey.

Make Them Realistic and Relevant

Before achieving any goal, you have to give up all your imagination and come out of all material things I mean social media and whatever wanders your mind, you have to understand yourself so that your goal looks more realistic, you just have to make your goal your passion, never be negative at any point so that achieving your goal will turn against you.

Our goal is always around in our passion and interest and your attention is always on it so that you stay relevant with it but the more real your goal is, the more you will be able to satisfy it like you have to go somewhere and your budget is more than your savings, then you can hardly fulfil it, but if you plan it under your budget, then you will undoubtedly be able to fulfil it.

"Press forward. Do not stop, do not linger in your journey, but strive for the mark set before you.— George Whitefield"

Always be positive and reward yourself

It is your responsibility to be positive towards your goal, hope you will accomplish it well, when we will be honest towards our goal and take it to the upper class, then only you can understand the happiness of hard work inside you. There are small rewards and celebrations you can give yourself that keep up your awareness and passion towards your goal.

Even a small spark of happiness can ignite a volcano of enthusiasm inside, which empowers you towards your goal and gives you the determination that only you can sustain.

"There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, there are no limits. — Michael Phelps"

I hope this will help you My Friends 😀💗
