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Be Focused - Create Your Own Addictive Vision

Everyone has his own principle to achieve his goal which will have first effect in his own life. Let us take our every work like a small child, which we have to take from zero to maturity, if you leave it in the middle, it will not get its growth and quality. The effect will be in our every work if we focus on one task at a time, this increases the quality of your work as well as your meditation time because it increases the power of your focus.

Sometimes focus is also seen in your daily habits, which we ignore in everyday tasks, like you do two things together many times well but you forget to see its quality, let's take an example Learn from, like nowadays you do office work from home as well as household chores but in this you lose your quality time because you are putting double energy in that work which takes half your energy, although we It happens in such a hurry, we do not know it but if it becomes a habit then you will lose your focus in every work quickly and this lack will make you a person who loses focus quickly which is fatal for your future.

"Sometimes even when the situation is favorable, we become unfavorable when we walk without direction"

Distraction turns in Direction

You must first decide for yourself why the work you are doing again and again is unsuccessful, if you do it with hard work and dedication, then sorry, it wastes both your time and effort. Because you have lost your time. Keeping the distraction with you has deviated from your direction, due to which you are not able to reach the successful result, first of all you have to pay full attention to your time, direction and whatever work you have to focus so that you can make better use of work and time, if work is more then in between you can do 5 minutes activity of your choice which will calm your mind and you will be excited to work.

How to increase your focus

You can manage a time in your daily work like you can get up early and organize the task which needs more attention because when you wake up after a long rest, you are energized, The new energy of the new day helps you to do your work quick and efficient., let's figure it out with the University of Colorado Boulder, one of the most common people who wake up an hour earlier than their daily schedule is depression 23 % and may require changes to reduce the risk of depression affecting mental health.

If you make a little change in your life then it affects your life to a great extent, by arranging the time of all your work, there will be no lack of focus in any work because every work will have its own time. You will soon feel these results

"Concentrating on one task at a time instead of doing many things over and over has dangerous consequences"

I hope this will help you to be Focused, My Friends :)
